(English text follows Lithuanian)
Mieli JAV LB pirmininkai,
JAV LB Kulturos Taryba isleido foto albuma "Lietuviu kulturinis paveldas Amerikoje" ir praso, kad prisegta albumo skelbima su atkarpa albumui uzsisakyti persiustumete savo nariams.
Norintieji albuma uzsisakyti turi atsispausdinti ta skelbima, uzpildyti atkarpa, ir su cekiu pasiusti nurodytu adresu.
Labai aciu,
Rimantas Vaitkus
JAV LB Krasto valdybos narys
Dear LAC chapter and district presidents,
LAC Cultural Council has published a photo album "Lithuanian Cultural Legacy in America" and asks you to inform your members by sending them the attached announcement / order form.
Those wishing to order the album need to print the announcement, fill out the order form, and mail it with a payment check to the indicated address.
Thank you,