Poetry & Musical Show

Poezijos ir Muzikos Spektaklis

  • Lithuanian Community
  • 925-899-5100
  • Saturday, January 22 at 7:00 PM to Saturday, January 22 at 10:00 PM
  • Galerija "ROOM" 1320 4th Street San Rafael, CA 94901

Message From Host 

Los Angeles  teatras " Just millin around" pristato poezijos ir muzikos spektakli suaugusiems --"Laiskas seneliui, kurio niekada nemaciau". Spektaklio metu skambes dainos ir eiles pagal J.Erlicka, S. Geda, B. Brazdzioni, Just. Marcinkeviciu,  M. Martinaiti. Spektaklis  pripildytas sviesiu prisiminimu, filosofiniu pamastymu ir pazaidimu , sugrazinanciu i musu vaikyste. 
LA theatre group "Just Milling Around" will be performing "A Letter to the Grandfather I Have Never Met".
Tickets/Bilietu kaina: $15  jei RSVP  ir sumoketa  iki 1/15/2011 $20 nuo  1/16/2011
$15 if paid by January 15th
$20 after the 15th $25 on the day of the performance/speklaklio diena.